Hands-on Tools

Turning Ideas into Action

DPP provides a number of Excel-based templates to help management implement the actions required for enhanced financial performance. It also provides financial training programs for your management teams. Most of the services are free of charge.

Dealing With Price Increases

Price increases are creating havoc in distribution as firms figure out how to respond.

Sales Force Commission Rates with a Sliding Scale

When the sales force cuts price, they impact profit dramatically. This template relates the necessary reduction in commissions to the size of the price cut.

Business Valuation

The question of “How much is my business worth?” is one of the most challenging that owners face.

What If Analysis

Managers are always interested in what would happen to the company’s financial performance if they made a series of changes in sales, pricing and the like.

Price Cutting Economics

A demonstration of how much sales would have to be increased to offset a price reduction

Profit-First Planning

A template to help firms generate a plan that actually increases profit.

There is also a User’s Manual that accompanies the Excel template. It reviews the concept of Profit-First Planning and provides guidelines for success in additional to explaining the template.

Understanding the CPVs

A template to help firms understand how the five most important Critical Profit Variables (sales, gross margin, expenses, accounts receivable and inventory) impact profit.

Free Video Training for Your Management Team

Helping Your Employees Help You

Your key managers want to make meaningful decisions to help the company be more successful. The free web-based training program is designed to bring your key managers up to speed on important financial issues.

Customer Profitability

A few customers generate most of the profit for a typical distributor. Most customers are actually serviced at a loss. This Excel template allows distributors to figure which are which.

Question of the Day

We feel we have to get more price aggressive to drive up our sales volume. How large of a sales increase will be required to offset a price cut?


Probably a lot more than you think.